The Last Shift

Test Game

Nothing is optimized or baked so this will not perform so well on lowerend pc/laptops.

What is the game about?

The game is a horror game about a man who works far away from his family in a remote, rural area. Your goal is to fix various broken things, possibly including watch towers (I haven't decided yet if they will be watch towers or something else). The man lives alone in a small log cabin, isolated from civilization. His only form of communication is a walkie-talkie, through which he receives instructions on what to do from the person on the other end. The job locations are in dense forests, which are associated with old folk tales about a 30-meter monster that roams the woods. the game takes place during his last day on the job before he gets to go back to his family.

Ingame screenshot

As of 8/9/2024, most of the backend work for the game, including pickups, animations, effects, and mechanics, is complete. I still need to model and animate the giant monster, but I can't do that until the environment is set up. The level in the screenshot is not official; it's just for testing.

Wanna Help?

The only help I need is from someone who is decent at making background music. That’s the only thing I can’t do by myself at the moment. If you don’t know how to make music, the best way you can help is by watching the stream. Fill out the forum below if you want to make music